Home TRAVEL TIPS 5 Common Mistakes that Travellers make on Vacation.

5 Common Mistakes that Travellers make on Vacation.

travel mistakes
  1. Forgetting Your Kid(‘s Toy): While Home Alone was a nightmare movie for parents and a dream come true for kids, not many people tend to forget their children at home when they travel. However, 88% DO forget their child’s favourite cuddly toy or comforter, making it much harder for little ones to feel comfortable so far from home.
  2. Turning into a Tomato: One quarter (24%) of Canadians forget to bring a hat on holiday and deal with a nasty sunburn for the rest of their trip. Unless you plan on spending the majority of your holiday hiding from the sun, make sure to bring some protection for your skin. Check this out if you are looking for a trendy bucket hat.
  3. Getting Hangry: Parents can keep their kids happy (and themselves sane) by remembering to bring an emergency food snack pack for the road. 46% of families save their vacations by knowing to expect the inevitable request for snacks, ensuring a calm ride to their destination.
  4. Not Learning the Lingo: Knowing some phrases in the local language can help ease the transition in the holiday mode. The most in-demand phrase to learn? …“What’s the WiFi Password?”
  5. Forgetting Your Passport: You’re not the only one to turn the car around halfway to the airport: Over three quarters (86%) of Canadians have forgotten important travel documents or accommodation booking info, which adds an unwanted level of stress to the travel ahead. Obviously, don’t forget that you’ll be needing all your important travel documents so that you can confirm your identity and be on financial records (if you are working abroad). These documents include a passport and a PAN card seva. Just ensure that you have multiple copies of each!



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