Home TRAVEL TIPS 5 Ways to Keep The Kids Safe On The Beach

5 Ways to Keep The Kids Safe On The Beach

child playing on a beach

Children tend to love the beach, it’s effectively a giant playground for them. Of course, whether swimming, building sandcastles, or exploring, they generally don’t see the array of dangers. That’s why it’s important that you do and adopt the following 5 ways to keep kids safe on the beach.

  • Choose A Beach With Lifesavers

Regardless of what age your children are there are dangers in the sea. One of the biggest is also invisible, the rip current. It will drag anyone out to sea incredibly quickly. While your child shouldn’t be in the water without you watching them, even if you are they can be pulled into a rip.

Fortunately, if you have chosen a beach with surf lifesavers they will be ready to help. They can save your child’s life in a matter of moments.

You can show your appreciation for these volunteers when you donate to Surf Life Saving Australia and hope you never need to call on them.

  • Keep Them In Sight

The best idea with children on the beach, especially if they are young, is to keep them in your sight at all times. You’ll find it is advisable to explain to your children the dangers present on the beach. This will help them to appreciate why you want to be able to see them at all times and make sure they comply.

It is best to talk to them before you arrive, once you’re at the beach a child’s attention span is likely to shrink quickly

  • Use Plenty Of Sun Lotion

The sun is powerful, even on a cloudy day. In fact, clouds don’t stop the harmful rays of the sun from getting through. That’s why you need to make sure your children have sun lotion on before you hit the beach and top it up regularly throughout the day.

It can save them from getting burned and potentially having health issues in the future.

Where possible it is a good idea to sit under natural shade or under an umbrella. As much as you may love the sun it’s sensible to protect yourself from it.

  • Maintain Hydration

The heat of the sun and beach activities can cause children and adults to sweat more than normal. This can lead to dehydration which will increase the risk of sunstroke. To prevent this it is essential that you make sure your children drink plenty of water. It will keep them hydrated and feeling good.

  • Give Them Footwear

The sand can feel fantastic between your toes. However, on a hot day, the sand can quickly get too hot. It will burn the skin on your feet. That’s why children should have shoes that they can run around in safely.

Shoes will also help to protect them from urchins and any other items hidden in the sand. Just make sure you pick beach shoes, these are designed to get wet, eliminating any concerns or worries during the day.

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