Home TRAVEL TIPS How to Plan a Summer Vacation Without Going Broke

How to Plan a Summer Vacation Without Going Broke

Carousel Amusement Park
Image by Jill Wellington

The days are longer and the sun’s shining a bit brighter. You know what that means: Summer is just around the corner.

For many, summer is simply vacation season, a fun time for families and friends to get together and return to the long trips to the countryside or beachside. For some, it’s also a great time to get into new hobbies and interests.

So, have you started planning your summer vacation yet? Worried about what a vacation might do to your finances? It’s normal for people to feel apprehensive about their savings when planning a vacation. Fortunately, this article shows you how to plan a summer vacation without going broke.

Start With a Budget

One of the reasons people end up overspending on vacations is not having a budget set aside for the trip in the first place. A budget can help you keep track of your spending and make sure you don’t go overboard.

Here’s a quick list of possible accommodations and services that you may want to set aside money for:

  • Airfare or travel costs
  • Lodgings
  • Meals
  • Souvenirs (optional)
  • Activities

When budgeting for a trip, it’s important to have some wiggle room for adjustments on the go. Emergencies can happen or once-in-a-lifetime opportunities can present themselves. While you should be mindful of your spending, there will be instances when flexibility would be a more valuable trait. It’s best to learn how to effectively determine when to hold back and when to splurge.

Don’t Forget Credit Card Rewards

Summer is a great time to take advantage of your credit card rewards. Use those accumulated airline miles for airplane tickets at discounted prices. Hotel points can save you a ton of money on lodging. You’ll be able to enjoy a trip with very minimal out-of-pocket costs if you use your credit card wisely.

If you don’t already have a credit card, opening one might not be a bad idea. Some credit cards award new holders with 100,000 free airline miles just for opening an account. That said, be careful to read the fine print as there’s always a trade-off with some banks.

Consider Hiring Shipping Services

If you’re planning to spend more than a few days in a certain location and you want to bring your car, getting car shipping services might be something to consider. Driving thousands of miles in your car puts you and your passengers at risk of accidents and injuries. You’ll likely be driving on unfamiliar terrain—unless you’ve been to the destination before. You’ll have to figure out which routes to follow and which exits to take.

Instead of wasting time on this part of the trip, you can take a more convenient way of getting your car shipped by masters of the craft. This saves you not only from the dangers of the road but also precious money on gas, meals, and insurance.

Keep an Eye Out for Added Fees

Traveling, especially if it’s out of the country, may include several added fees that most travelers won’t be expecting. Currency exchanges alone can cost people a couple of hundred dollars in fees.

It’s important to always be aware of what you’re being charged. That way, you know exactly where your money is going. When you’re mindful of where you spend your resources, you can control its flow better.

Research Ahead of the Trip

Many people end up losing money on vacation because they do not know where they are going next. If you don’t have a plan, you’re more likely to spend time doing things that are expensive and you’re not remotely interested in.

Make a list of all the places you want to go to. Additionally, figure out what activities you want to try during your stay. Then check online for discounts or promos for those specific places and activities.

Tourist sights or attractions typically offer discounts and promotions, especially to new visitors. Try this out and see what you can find.

Final Thoughts

Summer is almost always the best time to go on a vacation. The weather is nice, most tourist locations are open, and you get to experience exciting activities with interesting people from all over the world.

Unfortunately, vacations can ruin a person’s finances if the trip is not planned right. To avoid this from happening to you, following the tips mentioned above can help.

Good luck with that upcoming summer getaway!

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