Home TRAVEL TIPS Tricks & Hacks How to Play it Safe on Your Summer Vacation

How to Play it Safe on Your Summer Vacation

family on pier at sunset

As summer approaches, people look forward to enjoying the weather and begin planning for trips with friends and family, but it’s important to practice consistent safety to avoid problems that may otherwise ruin the fun. There are many hazards out there that can put an abrupt end to a vacation, but being prepared and avoiding them can keep everyone both safe and happy throughout.

To stay safe this summer, the following are some safety tips to follow while planning ahead.

Be Attentive on the Road

When going on a road trip, it’s important to avoid distractions throughout the drive. Distracted driving is one of the most dangerous contributors to accidents on the road, and it can be easy to experience when traveling with family and friends in the same vehicle, along with electronic devices such as smartphones, dashboards, and GPS devices.

In addition to general distractions, drowsiness can be just as dangerous. In fact, many experts equate the risks of driving while tired to those of driving while intoxicated. Even if everyone wants to reach their destination as soon as possible, it’s important to make sure drivers get enough rest before heading out on the road. It may help to circulate drivers and let others take over when the current driver gets too tired to continue forward. If stopping at a roadside motel or hotel isn’t an option, cycling through naps among passengers can help ensure designated drivers get the rest they need.

Prepare for Medical Emergencies

Injuries are always a possibility on any trip, which is why people should know what to do if a friend or family member gets hurt. If a trip involves traveling across the country, out of the country, on a cruise, or to remote, isolated areas, individuals should carry travel insurance that includes emergency medical benefits, along with emergency medical transportation benefits. This insurance coverage could help cover both emergency transportation and medical care in the event of a medical emergency.

In addition, bringing a first-aid kit complete with everything from gauze to antibiotic ointment can help provide sufficient care if professional medical assistance isn’t currently available.

Avoid Close-up Encounters with Wildlife

If spending time on campgrounds or in other areas where wildlife is prevalent, there are certain risks that bears and other predators may pose to campers or others. Wild animals often forage for food at campgrounds, which can lead to animal attacks. A majority of animal attacks are provoked, which is why it’s necessary to avoid feeding or otherwise interfering with wildlife at any point.

Practice Extra Care Around Water

Whenever families and groups of friends spend time around bodies of water, drowning is one of the biggest dangers. It’s also among the most silent—people don’t often yell or splash when drowning, but instead, drown quietly as they are unable to wave or request help.

Even swimming pools can be dangerous property if the proper precautions aren’t taken to prevent drowning or other accidents, particularly when younger children are involved. Parents may want to relax at the poolside while their children seem safe nearby, but a fun day at the pool can quickly turn into a tragedy if parents don’t remain attentive.

To keep children safe around pools, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that one adult be assigned to watch the children playing in or around a pool or any body of water. In the case of preschool-age children, the CDC recommends “touch supervision,” which entails being close enough to the child to reach out and touch them at all times while swimming.

Taking these tips into consideration can help make sure everyone stays safe throughout their summer vacation, preventing any trip from turning into a nightmare.



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