The Virunga Region, also known as the Virunga Conservation Area, consists of three National Parks: Virunga National Park in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Southwestern Uganda, and Volcanoes National Park in Northwestern Rwanda. These protected areas offer a wealth of attractions but they are mainly known for gorilla trekking and golden monkey tracking. Here are the best things to see in the Virunga conservation area

5 Best Things to See in the Virunga

Mountain Gorillas

The Virunga region is renowned for its rare mountain gorillas, a subspecies of the Eastern gorilla. These majestic apes are found across three parks: Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park, Uganda’s Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and DR Congo’s Virunga National Park.

Currently, approximately 1,063 mountain gorillas remain in the wild, with a significant number residing in the Virunga region while the rest of the population is found in Uganda’s Bwindi impenetrable national park.

It is possible to encounter mountain gorillas on a gorilla trek in the Volcanoes National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. In Uganda, gorilla permits for Mgahinga Gorilla National Park cost USD 800 per foreign non-resident. In Rwanda, permits for Volcanoes National Park are USD 1,500 per foreign non-resident. In Congo, gorilla trekking in Virunga National Park costs USD 400 per person unfortunately, the park is currently not open to tourists.

Gorilla trekking permits can be organized through a gorilla safari lodge, a local tour operator, or directly from the Rwanda development board in the case of Rwanda. It is important to note that in Uganda, permits can only be secured through a licensed local tour operator.

Golden Monkeys

Unlike Mountain gorillas that have an extra habitat outside the Virunga conservation area, Golden Monkeys are only found in the Virunga conservation area. They cannot be found anywhere outside the Virunga conservation area.

Similar to gorilla trekking, golden monkey tracking requires you to secure tracking permit. However, the permits and the park entrance fees are charged separately. You will have to pay the respective park entrance fee. Currently, golden monkey tracking is only possible in Mgahinga national park in Uganda and Rwanda’s Volcanoes national park.

In Uganda, golden monkey permits are available for US$60 per foreign non resident. In Rwanda, the permits cost US$100 per foreign none resident.

Permits can be booked through a reliable tour company. For an even more immersive experience, consider participating in a full-day golden monkey habituation experience, offered in Uganda’s Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, with permits costing USD 100 per visitor.

The Spectacular Virunga Mountain Ranges

A visit to the Virunga region is incomplete without exploring the stunning Virunga Mountains. This chain of eight volcanoes spans the region and includes Nyiragongo Volcano (3,470m), Karisimbi (4,507m), Sabyinyo, Bisoke, Muhabura, Mikeno, Gahinga, and Nyamuragira.

You might not have to submit all these ranges. The most popular highlight is visiting the summit where the borders of Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo intersect.


Bird enthusiasts will find the Virunga region a haven, with a wide variety of bird species, including several that are endemic to the Albertine Rift. Notable species to look for include the Kivu ground-thrush, dusky crimsonwing, Rwenzori turaco, black-collared apalis, handsome francolin, blue-headed weaver, red-throated alethe, Rwenzori batis, purple-breasted sunbird, cinnamon-chested bee-eater, African olive pigeon, Rwenzori nightjar, black-capped apalis, and speckled mousebird.

Other species worth spotting include Archer’s crimsonwing, stripe-breasted tit, Shelley’s crimsonwing, yellow-rumped tinkerbird, hairy-breasted barbet, alpine swift, white-fronted bee-eater, red-throated bee-eater, Angolan swallow, handsome spurfowl, and the strange weaver bird. Additional birds to watch for are the grey-headed bush-shrike, Rwenzori double-collared sunbird, African swamp hen, Narina trogon, white-collared oliveback, bat hawk, black cuckoo-shrike, baglafet weaver bird, common stonechat, black-crowned waxbill, red-chested cuckoo, grassland pipit, African thrush, tambourine dove, mountain buzzard, blue-headed coucal, rufous thrush, and many others.

Dian Fossey Tomb Site

The Dian Fossey tomb site is a must-see on any Rwanda safari in Volcanoes National Park. This is the final resting place of Dian Fossey, alongside the graves of gorillas she dearly loved, including Digit. Fossey spent 18 years studying gorillas in the Virunga Volcanoes and is remembered for her tireless efforts to protect these incredible creatures.

The tomb site, located at an elevation of 3,000 meters, can be reached within a 2-3 hour hike. Fossey’s legacy also includes the establishment of the Karisoke Research Centre, which lies between the Bisoke and Karisimbi Volcanoes in Volcanoes National Park. A visit to her tomb offers deep insights into her life and mission to save the mountain gorillas.

In conclusion; the best things to see in the Virunga region are mountain gorillas, golden monkeys, Virunga ranges, multitudes of bird species, and the Dian Fossey tomb.