Home TRAVEL TIPS Lifestyle Learning Outside: Benefits of Field Trips

Learning Outside: Benefits of Field Trips

Photo by Dan Dennis

There was nothing better when you were at school, then heading out with your classmates on a field trip. It didn’t matter where you were going because you were out of the classroom having a great time with your friends whilst learning something topical. There are many studies that show that this style of teaching is hugely beneficial to children and it makes you question why more schools don’t do it on a regular basis. 

Not only is it a break for the children, but also the teachers. Here we take a look at the benefits of learning outside whilst on field trips. 

Real-World Learning 

There aren’t many situations in school that you’re able to experience real-world learning. There’s something remarkably different about being able to understand something when you see it first hand as opposed to it being explained in a classroom. Especially with young students, trips to places like a library, a theatre, restaurants or community gardens, the experience gained contributes massively to their understanding of the world and how it works. Being able to see the connection of what’s being taught and what happens in the real-world will help them see that what they’re learning is going to help them outside of the classroom. 


When a student leaves the classroom environment and starts learning outside of that, they are able to develop a deeper understanding and the ability to link their learning with personal experiences and memories. Combine that with the excitement of being somewhere fun and you have a bunch of pupils that are eager and ready to learn. All of this will promote better behavior and involvement back in the classroom and over time will improve their performance which will lead to higher achievements. 

Cultural Understanding 

We are a global nation that contains a wonderful variety of cultures and being respectful of them is something we should be teaching young students. Not only this, but without different cultures, we would be an incredibly boring planet, so embracing them is hugely important for our own development as well as being inclusive of all. In the capital of the UK, there are plenty of amazing school trips to explore, highlighted in this useful list at https://www.adaptabletravel.co.uk/tour/london-primary-school-trips, that will embrace cultures and give your students a learning experience they will never forget. London is an amazing city, filled with a rich history, that will leave your class wanting more. 

Social Skills 

Everyone can remember a few people from their schooling days that were really quiet and kept themselves to themselves. No matter how hard people tried they just weren’t interested in talking to anyone and that’s mainly down to confidence. What’s great about being on a field trip is the importance of speaking to others and being able to communicate. There’s a strong link of being so introverted that students never reach their full potential, even if they’re the smartest in the class. Boosting confidence on trips by asking questions to venue staff or even the teacher will help individuals greatly and allow them to start coming out of their shell. 

Teacher Student Relationship 

For many teachers, it’s difficult to relate to a class full of students that are much younger than you, especially in secondary school. It’s difficult to show your true colors and earn the trust of the 30 pupils you have sitting in front of you. When you head out on a field trip this can disappear and you get a chance to connect with them. This is hugely beneficial in returning to the classroom because you’ll have the students’ respect and they will have yours. The mutual relationship is now better for everyone involved. 

Photo by Andie Kolbeck

They’re Fun! 

Something a lot of people forget is that learning should be fun for children and teenagers. You’re going to get far more out of an individual or group if they are all having fun and engaging with the teacher. Field trips allow this to happen in a huge number of ways, not only are students out of their normal environment, but they are out in the wide world creating memories with their friends. If you were asked what your favorite memory or a select few memories were from your time at school, then I’m sure the answer would be a time in which you were on a field trip. 

Field trips are great and should be utilized more often by schools even if it does require a lot of planning. The point of being a teacher is to enrich kids’ lives and teach them how to survive the world after they leave school. Children respond well to leaving the classroom and learning in different environments and it’s proven that academic results are improved when this method is used. 



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