Home #WHERETONEXT South America Why Colombia is a Budget Traveler’s Dream

Why Colombia is a Budget Traveler’s Dream

Cartagena De Indias Colombia
Image by Neidy Girado

Traveling is one of life’s greatest pleasures.

Traveling serves as an incredibly exciting and entertaining experience. It’s a great way to enjoy yourself and break out of your routine.

It can also be deeply enlightening. Putting yourself into different cultural circumstances forces you to expand your thinking and gives you a broader appreciation for life.

It’s no wonder so many people are eager to travel. And with the pandemic waning and borders opening back up, now is an amazing time to hit the road.

Unfortunately, the logistics of travel can hold you back from seeing the world as often as you’d like.

Work obligations mean you often have to plan well in advance if you plan to be away for longer than a few days.

Even if you’re a digital entrepreneur or nomad, you may not have the infrastructure you need to keep working on the road. You might not find internet or have the ability to ship your products out from certain locations.

And then there’s the monetary cost. Traveling can be expensive, from the flights to the accommodations, it isn’t uncommon to spend thousands of dollars for a week-long trip.

But there are ways around this. Choosing the right travel destination can make traveling on a budget much more viable.

One of the best budget destinations is Colombia.

Why Colombia is Great for Budget Travelers

Colombia is among the cheapest places to travel in the world.

Accommodations are often as cheap as $40 a night. Those looking to stay as cheap as possible have no trouble keeping it under $20 a night provided they can sacrifice a bit of luxury to do so.

Food, travel, and activities are equally affordable. Most restaurants will run between $3-5 per meal, meaning you can easily eat for less than $20 a day while still experiencing everything Colombia has to offer.

That’s why Colombia is so wonderful for budget travelers. While many travel destinations can be experienced cheaply, doing so typically has a significant impact on your experience.

But Colombia can be experienced to the fullest, even on a budget.

Why is Colombia so Cheap?

The reason Colombia is so affordable can largely be traced to the exchange rate.

One Colombian Peso is equivalent to about .00027 American dollars. This exchange rate means that those traveling from other countries can easily exchange their local currencies and gain access to plenty of funds to enjoy themselves.

While good exchange rates don’t automatically mean cheap trips, Colombia’s economy just runs on far less than most other countries. Prices for almost everything are significantly lower, meaning those coming from other economies don’t have to pay nearly as much as they might elsewhere.

What to Do in Colombia

Colombia is a great travel destination for all kinds of travelers.

If you’re looking for breathtaking natural scenery, look no further. Colombia has everything from mountains to beaches, meaning you can hike one day and tan the next.

Additionally, Colombia’s culture is rich and complex. There are historic ruins and thriving metropolitan areas.

The country’s small size works in your favor, as you can get a bit of everything in one short trip. The only limit is your willingness to explore.


Traveling doesn’t have to be expensive. Choosing the right destination for your budget can let you have an amazing experience without the heavy price tag.

Colombia is a fantastic example. Its insane currency exchange rates mean you can travel for pennies, all while seeing a beautiful and culturally rich country.

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