It’s always interesting to learn more about a place by reading fascinating facts and information about it. In this article, we will list some of the popular facts, and those not so popular, about Serbia,
Serbia is a country set in the Balkans, surrounded by Hungary, Croatia, Romania and others. It has a turbulent history and rich culture. Continue reading and get to know it a bit better.
Largest exporter of raspberries
Serbia is one of the largest exporters of raspberries in the world, in fact, it is the second largest exporter. It could be that the raspberries you put on your cheesecake or your smoothie came directly from Serbia. The numbers say it all: Serbia’s raspberry crop produced 118,674 tons in 2020, according to the Republic Statistical Office (SORS) data.
Home of unique and ancient cultures
Serbia is home to one of the oldest cities in the world. Apart from Belgrade, two of Europe’s most ancient cities and two of the unique cultures of the Bronze Age, the ruins of Vinca and Starcevo, are located not far from Belgrade. This ancient civilization dates back to 5000 years BC and it left behind sculptures that are kept in museums and archives in Belgrade.
“Vampire” is a Serbian word
The word “vampire” is of Serbian origin, believe it or not. The word appeared in different languages when Austrian officials noticed that in the north of Serbia, people were digging the deceased out and killing them all over again, referring to them as “vampires” These creatures are part of Serbian folklore, next to veelas and bauks.
18 Roman emperors are born here
Serbia is the birthplace of 18 Roman emperors, the most famous one being Constantine the Great, a Roman ruler born in the city of Naissus, now called Nis. On the territory of today’s Serbia, there are imperial cities like Sirmium, now called Sremska Mitrovica, Singidunum, a capital of Serbia now called Belgrade and others.
$1000 for a cheese?
If you are a cheese lover, you should know one important fact about it. We’ve all heard about how French and Swiss cheese can be pricey, but did you know that the most expensive cheese in the world is produced in Serbia? The name of the cheese is Pule, and it’s produced in Zasavica Nature Reserve, near Sremska Mitrovica. The cheese consists of donkey’s milk and goat’s milk and it costs $1300 per kg.
Great minds of Serbia
Nikola Tesla (an inventor and an electrical engineer), Milutin Milankovic (a mathematician and an astronomer) and Mihajlo Pupin (a physicist and a physical chemist) to name a few were all born in Serbia. You could say that talent for science runs in Serbia’s veins. These people dedicated their lives to science and contributed a lot when it comes to scientific discoveries.
A warm welcome
If you ever decide to visit and explore Serbia, you would be surprised to see how friendly and genial Serbian people can be. You will be welcomed with a genuine smile and a helping hand. Ask for directions for your destination and people will gladly help you or visit a Serbian household and you will be offered coffee, rakija or delicious Serbian food, either way, this place will feel like home.
Serbian nature is astonishing
Beauties and wonders of nature can also be found in this extraordinary country. Natural phenomena and the stuff of local legends like Devil’s town, the canyon of the river Drina, the second deepest canyon in Europe, and one of the biggest gorges in Europe, Djerdap Gorge, also known as the Iron Gates. Truly a splendid place to visit.
A tradition called slava
Celebration of the family’s patron saint, or Slava, as it’s called in the Serbian language, is a tradition celebrated only by Serbian Orthodox Christians. Each family has its own patron saint, and it’s celebrated annually on the saint’s feast day, with family and friends. The ritual starts with bread (slavski kolac) and it ends up with a feast and lots of wine and other types of alcohol.
Largest Orthodox church in the world
Not so far from the city center, in Belgrade, stands a popular spot for Belgrade tourism, the second largest Christian Orthodox church in the world, the church of Saint Sava. This church is built on the ground believed to be the site where Saint Sava’s remains were burned. The interior is decorated with gold and murals and represents a truly magnificent building.
There you have it, ten interesting facts about Serbia. We hope you found this article helpful and that you have more reasons to visit this gorgeous country.