To maintain any blog, its owner needs a number of qualities: the ability to present his thoughts in writing, mount videos, take photos, and, among other things, have the skills of an SEO optimizer and advertiser.
The presence of a travel blog speaks of the specific rhythm of its owner’s life: constant travel, new cities, cultures and languages, unforeseen situations and vivid emotions. The travel blogger shares this experience with his audience, which, in turn, has its own needs and wishes.
In an era of great competition, among the many advanced channels, it is very difficult to stand out and be remembered. It is not enough to simply publish materials, even if they are of high quality. Here it is necessary to connect promotions in search engines.
In this article, you will learn how to promote a travel blog, and what are the specifics of promoting a travel site.
Services to help attract an audience
If you cannot increase the number of subscribers without the help of third parties, then you should use the help of professional services and buy Instagram followers for your blog. Many people neglect this method because they consider it dishonest, but you can be sure that there is nothing illegal or anti-moral here.
Of course, the most important thing is the creation of content, its regularity and quality. However, if you feel that it is difficult for you to succeed, then you have the right to take someone’s help.
However, remember that without diligence and productive work, you will not be able to become famous. Even if you buy real Instagram followers every day but do not want to surprise the audience with interesting content, then all these people will leave you.
The most effective ways to promote a travel blog
Search engines demand high-quality unique content from websites. Today it is a base for promotion, without which you will not go far. At the same time, for a blogger, content is also the meaning of his activity, so it must be of high quality a priori. In this case, it remains only to optimize it for search engines.
Blog articles should be relevant, informative and not copied in any way. To check the uniqueness, you can use the Advego program, which is freely available.
Fill articles with keywords, which in this case should contain the names of settlements, geographical features and vocabulary targeted at the travel blog reader. Keywords should be contained in headings, short descriptions and directly in the text. Don’t need too many SEO phrases, as this will make the article unreadable. 2-3 well-written search queries will help users find you through search engines.
Develop a publishing plan so that articles appear on the site at regular intervals. Publish content at a set interval and gradually increase the number of publications. New pages of the site will be indexed gradually and earn the trust of search engines. The main thing is to capture the user’s attention, give him answers to questions of interest through your materials, and in this case this person will become a regular reader.
Other social networks
You can cover a significant part of the audience with the help of other social networks (Facebook, Twitter), where users of different age categories, regions, with different interests and preferences spend their free time. Travel topics and notes in a live magazine format may be of interest to many users: some will be attracted by the visual component, others by practical advice and interesting articles, and others by honest facts from the firsthand of the traveler.