Atzaró Agroturismo Hotel is delighted to welcome Yotam Ottolenghi back for another extraordinary evening in the Atzaró Vegetable Garden.
Experience Ottolenghi at Atzaró again, in the vast Atzaró Vegetable Garden this August 10, with a five-course sharing dinner prepared by Yotam Ottolenghi and his team, drinks, signed Ottolenghi book, live music, entertainment and a chance to meet the internationally renowned chef.
Yotam Ottolenghi is an internationally acclaimed chef, restaurateur, and food writer, with world-wide bestseller cookbooks among his achievements. He has become one of the globe’s most influential food talents, with his ingredient-rich, abundant and colourful cuisine, with roots in the Middle East and Mediterranean.
His commitment to the championing of vegetables, as well as ingredients once seen as exotic has led to what some call ‘The Ottolenghi effect’. This is shorthand for the creation of a meal which is full of colour, flavour, bounty, and sunshine.

Ottolenghi, the chef-patron of the Ottolenghi deli and restaurant group is now a household name across the world. Originally from Jerusalem, Yotam’s wealth of experience and culture translates through to his delicious food and we are privileged to be able to welcome him to Atzaró with this very special dinner experience, in the Atzaró Vegetable Garden.
The Ottolenghi at Atzaró dinner evening is to be a sharing, caring, community-feeling event where everyone is encouraged to come together and share in the abundance of life, vegetable-rich food made with love, nature, and connection at the authentic heart of Ibiza.
Amongst the vegetable patches, walkways and plazas of the magnificent 3-hectare organic garden, the evening will start with welcome drinks and music under the giant umbrella pine tree. Then, the uplifting scene will move to the open-air atmospheric palm tree and tumbling plant-framed garden plaza, where beautifully decorated long wooden tables await you for an introduction to the evening by Yotam Ottolenghi himself.
The organic ingredients for the 5-course sharing dinner will be freshly picked from the Atzaró Vegetable Garden, non-vegetable elements locally sourced, and a complementary selection of local wines. Yotam Ottolenghi and his team have lovingly created the dishes to be a perfect union of Ottolenghi and Atzaró with his unmistakable style.
As the evening continues, you will be entertained by traditional flamenco, have a chance to meet Yotam Ottolenghi and will receive a signed copy of the bestseller cookbook ‘Flavour’.
The 5-course menu has been designed to incorporate the organic produce of the estate’s Vegetable Garden and the unique depth of flavour the Ottolenghi food is famous for. Beautifully abundant dishes will grace the long wooden tables, encouraging a community-sharing experience.
First Course
Gilda with pickled cabbage, anchovies and orange-coriander seed crunch
Gilda con repollo encurtido, anchoas y crujiente de semillas de cilantro y naranja
Padron peppers, smoked almond dukkah and rose vinegar
Pimientos de Padrón, dukkah de almendras ahumadas y vinagre de rosas
Confit tomatoes with lemon yoghurt, Urfa chilli and oregano
Tomates confitados con yogur de limón, chili de Urfa y orégano
Sourdough Bread with olive oil
Pan de Masa Madre con aceite de oliva
Second Course
Beetroot pkhali with marinated beetroot and green olive salsa
Pkhali de remolacha con salsa de remolacha marinada y aceitunas verdes
Smokey grilled red peppers with marinated golden raisins, capers and almonds
Pimientos rojos asados ahumados con pasas doradas marinadas, alcaparras y almendras Third Course |
Third Course
Roasted aubergine with shawarma spiced onions, tahini, zhoug and walnuts
Berenjena asada con cebollas shawarma especiadas, tahini, zhoug y nueces Fourth Course |
Fourth Course
Black lime beef skewers with butterbean mash and sumac onions
Brochetas de ternera a la lima negra con puré de alubias y cebollas al sumac
Celeriac shawarma with bkeila, pickled celeriac, crème fraîche and fermented tomato chilli sauce
Shawarma de apionabo con bkeila, apionabo encurtido, crème fraîche, salsa de chile y tomate fermentado
Romaine lettuce with preserved lemon vinaigrette
Lechuga romana con vinagreta de limón confitado
Burnt honey muhallabieh, orange syrup, kataifi and pistachio
Muhallabieh de miel quemada, sirope de naranja, kataifi y pistacho