With the looming threat of Covid-19 putting international travel on ice for awhile yet, British tourists are taking the opportunity to take a break in the UK. Fortunately, the British Isles have a wide range of holiday experiences to offer. If you’re looking for something a little bit different in an activity holiday, then there are a few varieties to consider. In every case, you’ll have a choice between putting together your own itinerary and having a tour operator do it for you. In the former case you’ll have more flexibility; in the latter, more freedom.

Hiking holiday

A hiking trip is a great way to see the more remote and beautiful parts of the landscape. Whether you’re headed to the Scottish Highlands, the Yorkshire Dales, or the coast of Cornwall, you’ll never be short of a trail to explore. Look up some hiking holidays in the UK; the chances are good that there’s somewhere convenient near you!

Road Trip and camping

A camping holiday offers plenty of economy. You’ll be able to cut down on your accommodation costs, and have more to spend on the activities themselves. Invest in a serviceable tent and put it up yourself. Alternatively, you might go for ‘glamping’ instead, which is more like a catered chalet.

Surf Holiday

The coast of Britain provides all kinds of surf at certain times of year. The south coast is the more attractive option; the surf in Cornwall tends to be healthy, and the sunshine plentiful, particularly in summer. With that said, if you’re based further north, the chances are that there’s a more convenient place to go on a surfing holiday.

Cycling holiday

A bicycle provides an even better way of seeing the country than walking. Cycling holidays range from the high-adrenaline mountain-biking sessions to more relaxed trips across level terrain. You’ll cover more ground than you would on foot, meaning that you’ll theoretically be able to cram more into a single given day.

Kayaking the coast

Sea kayaking is a little bit different from the river kind. You’ll have an entirely different set of challenges to contend with, to say nothing of the scenery and wildlife. The Scottish Highlands provide plenty of stimulation for both experienced kayakers and total novices. To get the most of your time on the water, book several days.


It doesn’t get much more hair-raising than having to clamber up a sheer rock face. The indoor kind of rock-climbing can’t compete with a real natural surface. You’ll get a sense of achievement that can’t be replicated elsewhere, and the guidance you need to get the job done safely. There are sheer rock faces everywhere in the UK, but Snowdonia provides some of the best of them.


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