One of the last places in America where romantics, rail enthusiasts, and younger generations can hear, see, smell, and feel the majesty of the Iron Horse is on the Grand Canyon Railway. To the delight of many, Grand Canyon Railway has announced that in 2024 it will once again run the big steam engine: #4960. Constructed in 1923 and weighing in at 310 tons the #4960 is a “green machine” and is powered by waste vegetable oil and snowmelt.
Steam is scheduled to pull the 9:30 a.m. departures (at no additional cost) on the first Saturday from March (March 2) through October as well as on Earth Day (April 20), August 12 (the steam engine’s birthday), September 21 (for the anniversary of the railroad).
Of the more than 30,000 steam engines originally built in the United States less than 200 survive today, and only a few are still running, and even fewer on everyday passenger railroads (most are on museum lines).
The steam engine changed everything. It created time zones, kick-started the Industrial Revolution, and connected the East and West Coast, vastly reducing travel time across the United States. In 1901 the railroad reached Grand Canyon South Rim, providing access to one of the Seven Natural Wonders of The World. Trains still run daily (except Christmas) helping take an estimated 70,000 cars off the roads into the treasured national park.
For more details, including departure times tickets and special packages at the Grand Canyon Railway Hotel in Williams, AZ visit www.thetrain.com/events/steam-saturdays.