Having a pet is like having the best buddy in the world. You adore your pet so much that you always wanted to be with him and take him anywhere you go. Pet owners who also happen to be frequent travelers are very much aware of this fact. They won’t mind sacrificing their own convenience when traveling. What matters is for their pets to be with them on their trips. This is why a lot of commercial airline companies also provide pet-friendly accommodations. But, if it’s your first time to travel with your pet, you should keep in mind the following:
1. Bring enough food for your pet.
It is important though that before you pack any kinds of food for your dog, you should first be aware of the rules that customs require or implement in airports or in any of your planned travel destinations. This is crucial especially if you’re traveling internationally. Some countries do have strict biosecurity rules regarding bringing in food. If you are looking to travel with your cocker spaniels, see to it that such food provides enough nourishment for its great energy levels. The best dog food for cocker spaniels should contain enough protein, fat, and other healthy ingredients. It doesn’t have to contain plenty of ingredients because the fewer the ingredients, the less likely it would be for your dog to suffer from negative food reactions. If you think you would be spending more time in smaller towns, chances are high that you will have difficulty getting access to stores that sell high-quality food for your pet. So, make sure you bring enough with you.

2. Train your pet for travel.
If you plan to go on a long journey, may it be on the road or on a plane, see to it that your pet has already received prior training. Train your dog to be traveling inside the crate for longer periods of time. Note that your dog will be traveling as a pet, which means he wouldn’t be able to sit with you during the flight. But, instead, he would be placed in a separate area somewhere in the same plane with you. This would mean he will be staying in his own crate all throughout your travel time. Thus, training him for this kind of scenario would greatly relieve much of the stress that your pet may be experiencing during the actual day of your trip. Give him the chance to visit airports so he could be familiar with the sight, smell, and feeling of being in such a place.
3. Obtain the necessary travel documents.
A certificate of good health is one of the travel documents that you must prepare. One of the prerequisites to obtaining a certificate of good health would be proof of vaccination paperwork. Other countries also require proof of parasite testing. This is in addition to the pet passport which you also need to obtain. However, every country may have a different set of travel documents required for tourists who will be bringing in pets. So, make sure you do your research and be informed about these travel documents. Otherwise, you run the risk of not being given entry to your country of destination. Some countries like Japan would need you to notify the Animal Bureau Quarantine at least 40 days before your scheduled arrival in their country.
Traveling not only brings about too much risk for some animals. It also exposes them to too much stress. If you have a pet who gets easily nervous and is sensitive to weather changes, might as well leave your pet with a trusted sitter at home.