Can you really not go anywhere and call it a vacation? Even more importantly, can you take time off, stay at home or go away, and unplug from the office? As the Staycation enters its second decade, what’s changed and made it an attractive alternative for many families? Discovery Map, the leading provider of curated guides to top attractions, cities and towns throughout North America, has some pointers for those opting to stay at home for vacation this year.
“The Staycation became a thing after the 2008 crash when many families simply didn’t have the resources to take that trip to Disneyworld or the rental fee for that lakeside cabin or ocean cottage, so they stayed at home for vacation,” said Peter Hans, president of Discovery Map International since 2005. “This year, there are a number of families who didn’t quite get as large a tax return as they had in years past. Consequently, the Staycation is back on the table for some families.”
While the Staycation may be in its second decade, the ground rules for fun and stress-free breaks remain pretty much the same. For starters, no contact with your office allowed. Just because you’re not going away for an extended trip is no reason to be calling in to the office. Time off is meant for you to rest up and recharge your batteries. You can’t do that if you’re never mentally away.
Hans said, “You also want to limit your computer time. Remember, you’re on vacation. Restrict your computer time to researching potential day trips. NO E-MAIL, unless you’re being sent a confirmation or reservation number.”
Hans also recommends not setting an alarm if you don’t have to. Remember, you are on nobody’s schedule but your own. You also want to limit your household chores that week unless you’re specifically taking the week off to complete a project, e.g. painting your house, keep your home chores to a minimum. That doesn’t mean let the dishes in the sink stack up. Just don’t sweat it if the lawn goes a few days without being cut.
Additionally, Hans has a rather bold suggestion for your Staycation: Leave your cell phone off unless you need to use it. Said Hans, “Your phone can be handy if you’re traveling with other families or your group splits off into two’s. So, leaving it home is not practical. Just make sure you don’t take calls from anybody not in your vacation group. If you’re curious or worried about an emergency, just check the voice mail they leave.”
Continued Hans, “If you were on a cruise ship you wouldn’t answer a call from the office. Your Staycation deserves that same respect. Remember, you work hard for your time off and you owe it to yourself — your family and — believe it or not, your employer to come back rested and ready with your batteries fully recharged.”
About Discovery Map International, Inc.
Discovery Map International is the curated guides to top tourist destinations, cities and towns throughout North America. The distinctively colorful, hand-drawn maps are a favorite of travelers for navigating local dining, attractions, businesses, cultural experiences, ski destinations – and even the best locations to take selfies. Discovery Maps can be found in local hotels, restaurants, shops, visitor information centers and other participating venues, and at discoverymap.com.