Mara Bushtops, the only safari camp in the Maasai Mara with a substantial natural salt lick directly in front of its camp, has just launched a new webcam with high speed internet ensuring a permanent live feed from one of Kenya’s wildlife hotspots. Watch all the action right here (@Bushtops on YouTube) from the comfort of your home, and please be sure to subscribe as the links can change. Sound will also be added in the coming weeks.

A steady stream of wildlife visits the salt lick throughout the day and night, still visible after sunset via infrared technology, in search of the minerals needed for healthy bones. This creates a constantly shifting nature show, as gazelle jostle with warthogs, zebra and impala, topi and buffalo. Herds of elephant can be joined by up to 40 giraffe at any given time – with predators such as leopards and lions in attendance. What a privilege to have this permanent window to the wild!
Most of the action occurs between 10AM – 4PM Kenya time (GMT +3) but viewers around the globe can also browse through the previous 12 hours of footage recorded in case they missed something.