As the end of the year approaches, plans to celebrate New Year’s start to cross our minds. Not everyone knows it, but the Ecuadorian Amazon is a destination that favors being grateful for what we have experienced in the last 12 months and offers an incomparable place to restart.
Several companies in the area have developed ecological proposals where one can enjoy tours of the immense Amazon jungle in a sustainable way, without damaging the ecosystems and instead promoting the care of one of the most important lungs on the planet.
A visit to this region could include living with the natives, who maintain traditional and ancestral practices. The knowledge of its elderly can be an experience that changes lives.

The Ecuadorian Amazon is home to a wide and colorful diversity of flora and fauna. Among the animals, the anacondas, dolphins, otters, turtles, tapirs, monkeys, toads, and a variety of birds stand out. This part of the country is considered the most megadiverse place on the planet per square kilometer.
Composed of the Yasuní National Park, the Cuyabeno Fauna Production Reserve, the Podocarpus National Park and several emblematic natural sites, this Amazon area shows abundant underwater ecosystems. The characteristic trees of the region are the guarangos de agua, a species that grows on the edges of the lagoons. Giant cedars, ceibos, and arrayanes also abound.
The rivers of the Ecuadorian Amazon can be explored on tours by ships to be able to experience the mysticism of the jungle to the fullest. In addition, they have become ideal spaces for practicing adventure sports such as rafting and tubing.
Travelers enjoy the rainy tropical climate of this destination which connects them with nature, its diversity, and its people.
The Amazon cuisine can seduce palates with preparations that rescue the ancestral knowledge of its inhabitants. One of the representative dishes of the area is the Maitos, prepared with freshwater fish, free-range chicken, or meat. Parallelly, one of the drinks that you can use to toast for the New Year is Chicha de yuca, a fermentation of crushed yuca, known for its purifying and detoxifying properties.