Home Adventure The Rise of Expensive Resorts in Bali

The Rise of Expensive Resorts in Bali

I’ve seen Bali change a lot over the years……

Once known for its economical stays and natural beauty – Bali is now filled with luxury resorts.

And hey, it’s no surprise – especially with Bali ranked as the second-best holiday destination in the world by TripAdvisor in 2024 – right after Dubai.

But what’s with the sudden rise in expensive Bali resorts? And what does it mean for those planning a trip? I will give you all the answers in this blog.

A Little About Luxury Bali Resorts

Bali has always been a humble little tourist destination for those who love nature, forest and beaches. But now….the scene has changed a bit with a few new additions……luxury Bali resorts!

Hey, did you know? There are roughly 150 to 200 luxury resorts in Bali. These range from – beachfront vacation houses and boutique hotels to luxurious Bali villas and expansive resorts – offering high-end amenities to affluent travelers.

Take Viceroy Bali, for example. This beautiful resort offers everything – including private butler service. It even has a helicopter pad if you are planning to travel by your private chopper.

And guess what? You can enjoy fine dining at its award-winning restaurant – with dishes crafted by top chefs. This makes Viceroy Bali one of the most luxurious resorts in Bali. While these exclusive services come at a price – they are totally worth the experience you will get.

So, Why Are There So Many Luxury Bali Resorts?

When I first started visiting Bali…….it was all about finding those affordable bungalows on the beach. Do you know? The kind with simple bamboo furniture and a hammock outside.

But now……..everywhere you turn – there seems to be a new luxury resort – each one more extravagant than the last. So, what’s behind this rapid rise in expensive Bali resorts?

Bali’s growing appeal around the world

First, let’s talk about what makes Bali appealing. With its beautiful beaches, rich history, and friendly people, the island has always been a dream vacation spot. But lately, there’s been a shift. More travelers – especially those looking for high-end experiences, are going to Bali.

Why? Because Bali is still more affordable compared to other luxury destinations like the Maldives or Bora Bora – even with these high-end resorts. You get a foreign experience that is just as good, if not better, for a lot less money. That’s why there are more and more expensive resorts Bali. They are meeting the rising need for comfort and privacy.

The new age tourists

Then, there’s the changing traveler. People no longer just want to find a place to crash. People who travel today want to have adventures and are ready to pay for them. Just think……..private infinity pools overlooking the ocean, personalized butler service, or even floating breakfasts in your villa’s pool. People want these unique touches – and places are stepping up to give them to them. Bali is the right place for these high-end experiences because it has a unique mix of natural beauty and culture.

The social media hype

And let’s not forget social media. Bali has become a visual paradise thanks to apps like Instagram and TikTok. Everyone wants the perfect picture of themselves relaxing by a pool with a view or eating a fancy meal at a restaurant on a cliff. Luxury resorts Bali are aware of this and are making their areas look even better so that they can attract even more guests. More tourists mean more demand for high-end accommodations, which leads to more resorts.