Home TRAVEL TIPS Useful Tips for Organizing Your Bug Out Bag

Useful Tips for Organizing Your Bug Out Bag

backpack with travel gear

The uncertainty of today’s daily current events is starting to weigh heavy on a lot of people’s minds. The first thought is how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe, and the reality is that many people are starting to notice that they aren’t prepared in case of some worst-case-scenario events unfolding. The solutions are numerous, but there are plenty that is well within the average person’s abilities.

One such way to be prepared is to have a bug-out bag ready. A bug-out bag is essentially a backpack that you can fit all of your most basic needs in case you need to get away from the city or your home or go somewhere safer. If you are looking to get prepared and make your own bug-out bag, here are some useful tips on how to organize it. 

Making a Checklist Before Packing

It is advised that you have a checklist ready to go too. This is useful if you need to pack at the last minute, or just to organize it while you are packing and it is ready to go. Most people who have bug-out bags have them packed and ready to go at a moment’s notice, but if you are new to this, then it’s still okay to have a checklist that contains all of those essentials that you can quickly get organized. It is best to have your bag ready to go pronto though.

Deciding What’s Essential

This is a tricky thing that people don’t realize – most things you own are non-essential. When packing a bug-out bag, you are not bringing an electric razor or makeup, you are packing water, food, first-aid, self-defense devices, and anything that can help keep you alive, essentially. The essential gear you need should all fit into a reasonably sized bag. Flashlights, multi-tools, fire starting kits, first aid kits, non-perishable foods, etc. are all things that should and will go in your bug-out bag. Leave the luxuries at home because they won’t keep you safe.

Choosing the Proper Portion of Goods

It is not all about choosing the right essentials, it is about knowing how to pack them all in properly. You don’t want to bring 2 weeks’ worth of food but have no more room for any extra clothes, so you have to portion off what is important. Food, water, and medical all take precedent, then ratio it out with things like extra socks, hiking pants, an attachable sleeping bag, and so on and so forth so that you have a good variety of the essentials in reasonable amounts that will fit in or on the bag.

The Versatility of the Storage Space

Bug-out bags are made to be versatile and durable, but you need to get creative on your own too. There will be plenty of pockets, zippers, and compartments to fit your needs in, but you want to consider how to make the most of the space. Think of packing the bag like playing Tetris, you need to make sure you are utilizing the space but piling things in so they are taking up the least room possible while still fitting. Also, utilize clips and attachments on the bags to carry a sleeping roll so it doesn’t use all of the interior space.

Determining Weight Distribution

Back to that Tetris analogy, you are going to need to keep being creative with where you place your goods. Distributing weight evenly will make the bag a lot easier to carry on or off your back, no matter how you need to bring it with you. Keep the weight closer to your body as your back can support it easier this way, so heavier things like food should be in the main compartment closest to you. Knowing how to distribute the weight of what you pack will help you be more mobile.

Placement of Sensitive Goods

Finally, you want to be very careful as to where you are putting sensitive goods in your bug-out bag. If there is anything that has a glass or could break easily, you want to keep these to the top of the main compartment or relegate them to the sides so they won’t be pressed against by heavier stuff. This will prevent leaks, breaks, or any kind of mess or damage that can compromise anything you desperately need for survival.

Being prepared has never been more important, so using the tips mentioned above, you can properly organize and pack your own bug-out bag for a worst-case-scenario situation.


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