One of the things that we cannot always fight from happening, no matter how careful and conscious we are when it comes to car handling, is a car breaking down. Normally, it is important and advisable to always perform daily and monthly on our cars to keep the car running.
For example, changes in the oil of the engine, brake, radiator fluid level, etc. Even after doing these things, our cars can still have problems as they are like complicated technology capable of breaking down at the most inconvenient moments. That is on one side.
Traveling overseas or abroad is a thrilling adventure where one has a chance to explore different areas and indulge in new things. The last thing you would like to face when traveling through busy cities or along scenic foreign shores is for your reliable travel companion – your car – to suffer a sudden death.
There’s no better feeling than to be frustrated when your car breaks down while you’re having so much fun exploring. So, when such a thing happens, something must be done, as it won’t be polite to just be watching your car break down and do nothing.
What can be done in this situation? Here are they.
Stay Calm and Assess the Situation
If at all faced with car problems in a foreign land, the first rule would be not to panic. Nevertheless, we would like to clarify that panic will not assist in solving the problem, and it may aggravate the situation.
Therefore, take a breath and step out of the car quickly for evaluation of this event. Identify any immediate hazards like standing idle in a busy intersection, then move your car to an adjacent safe place if you can.
Ensure Your Safety and the Safety of Others
Once you have parked in a safe area, activate the hazard warning light indicating that something is wrong with your vehicle. It is always better to carry out this just-in-case scenario to prevent a major mishap from occurring.
During the daytime, use brightly coloured markers on them and if it’s at night, consider a flashlight, reflecting triangles of them. Keep yourself and pedestrians safe while driving.
Understand Your Location
Once your car, you and the people accompanying you are safe (in case others are travelling with you). Finally, one should trace their exact situation or present location.
When abroad and you travel, for instance, you might be unaware of where exactly you are hence, knowing an actual position when demanding help during this process becomes very important.
Your phone may have a built-in GPS system that you can refer to for the purpose of establishing whereabouts; however, strangers around may also be helpful if they help in the identification of known places such as streets or landmarks.
You should note this down to facilitate any communication with roadside assistance or even if you are to explain your problem to a mechanic.
Contact Your Rental Car Company or Emergency Services
The first action that you should take after getting involved in a car accident is to call the rental company in case you’re driving a rental car.
A majority of respectable rental firms incorporate breakdown towing into their package of services. They will advise you further about your options, which may entail towing your car or hiring another one.
Always stick to their instructions. Meanwhile, grab some drinks as well as snacks to relax you. This is necessary if you are going to maintain composure and look for a way out of this situation.
If your rental company does not help, call up a nearby “roadside assistance” service or call up an emergency services number in the area. However, keep in mind that emergency service numbers vary by country, so it’s advisable to research these numbers before your trip.
Document the Situation
This is kind of optional anyway, but it can also be useful. While waiting for assistance, document the situation.
Take pictures of your vehicle, the surroundings, and any damage or relevant details. This documentation may be helpful for insurance claims or when explaining the issue to mechanics or authorities.
Keep Important Documents Handy
This should also be done. Ensure that you carry with you your driver’s licence, rental agreement, insurance paperwork, and ID.
This will also enable proper communication with authorities, mechanics, and rental car agents whenever they arrive to avert back and forth with them.
Language Barriers
Since you are travelling abroad, living in your own country, you are familiar with the language. It is possible you are not aware of the language where you are. In case you dont know, we have about 7,139 official languages worldwide.
So, in case of language barriers, use translation apps or seek assistance from bystanders who may speak your language or English. Having a basic understanding of common car terms in the local language can also be helpful. Stay patient and use gestures if needed to communicate the problem.
Final Words
After everything is settled, kindly spend some time in reflecting on the event. Reflect on what you learned, how you dealt with it, and the strategies that will eliminate occurrences of such incidents. Each encounter helps build character and offers a chance for better training. “`
Travelling and meeting car problems overseas may not be an easy thing, but having a composed approach, as discussed above, will enable you to manage the situation.
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