Are you looking for inspiration for writing? Are you in love with traveling too? Well, then it means that you are searching for a country that comes with the motivation and inspiration boost you need. A lot of writers have due projects they need to handle. Some of them might even experience writer’s block. And if you fall in the second group, you are probably looking for ways to overcome it. So, how to get writing inspiration? Visit some of these nations that will inspire you to continue your work while traveling.
Mandarin Hotel, Bangkok
Thailand is such an incredible country and you can find inspiration in almost any place on their territory. And if you are among the writers whose inspiration is boosted by the frenzy of the city, then it means that this country is for you.
Some might feel defeated by the horns and agitation you encounter in Bangkok. Finding a professional essay writer might be the solution they go to. What’s nice is that at writix.co.uk you can find a personal statement writer that will help you advance your education and nail academic writing in college. But in Bangkok, there is a fabulous hotel where a lot of famous writers stayed in the past. And it’s easy to understand why.
You have a nice view over the river and you are away from the hum of the city. Among the most well-known writers that stayed at this hotel that was built in 1877 are Ernest Hemingway, Victor Hugo, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and many more. And each chamber is decorated in a way that reflects the personality of the writer. So, no matter if you are a student or a full-time writer in search of writing inspiration, this hotel in Bangkok might be what you are looking for.
Chiang Mai, Thailand
If we have spoken about the frenzy in Bangkok, we need to speak about the North part of the country which is more peaceful. If you want to be close to the forest and nature, but surrounded by other people too, then you could choose this city. It is a great place where you can get more inspiration and a lot of writers say so. The proof is that Chiang Mai is a hub for nomads and writers.
Matsuyama, Japan
Asia seems to be the continent that provides the perfect environment for writing, relaxation, and peace. It’s true, when you land in Asia, everything feels different. It almost seems as if you have landed on a completely distinct planet, especially as the calendar they follow is different from the Western one. Matsuyama is a village located on an island in Japan.
In recent years, the island of Shikoku has decreased in popularity as the means of public transportation are not as fast as in the rest of Japan. However, you should not let this keep you away from visiting it and getting inspired by what you will see. Here you can visit historic places that are deeply connected with Natsume Sōseki, one of the most popular writers in Japan. This island is the place where he has written most of his novels at the beginning of the 20th century, novels that are read in modern Japan too.
Big Sur, California
Even though we have started this article with locations and nations in Asia, the world is a vast place and you can find inspiration almost anywhere. If you love road traveling and you’re searching for spontaneous places, then Big Sur is one you should stop at. It’s a pretty popular location on the Pacific coast and the scenery is amazing. You see forests of redwood trees, but also the waves of the ocean hitting the cliffs. It is one of the most calming sceneries that could inspire you to write and overcome any block you might have.
Final Thoughts
Looking for the nations that provide writers with inspiration for their works when they travel? Well, the planet is full of places that could give you the boost you yearn for. There are places in Asia that fill you with tranquility, peace, and relaxation. But you can find them on other continents too, depending on what you are looking for.