We all love to associate ourselves with the new trends and get that tag of “being trendy” amongst our peer groups. Whether it is the new iPhone mini or simply riding a ladies electric bike, no one likes to miss out on the latest trends and fall out.
While electric bikes have settled in the market for quite some time now, ladies electric bikes are the new thing that a lot of women out there are posting about on their social media account. If you are a trend setter and an early trend follower, here are five reasons why you must grab a ladies electric bike, as soon as possible:
- It nourishes your adventurous soul
The most fascinating fact about e bikes is that the varying levels of pedal assistance help you to explore the roughest of terrains to fulfil your craving for fun and adventure. These bikes have several variants like fat tyre bikes, mountain bikes, beach bikes, that you can choose from to fulfil your quest of adventure. You can plan for a holiday yourself with an itinerary of your choice and your ladies electric bike will not let you down.
- It keeps you in shape whilst boosting your metabolism
Fitness has always been a trendy subject and is likely to be equally trendy in the future. And who doesn’t like to be in shape? Ladies electric bikes are a great alternative for work-out as e bikes lead to a great deal of cardiovascular activity. Some women use it for lower body workout by tweaking the level of pedal assistance. E bikes are also great for building muscle endurance especially in building up your core muscles. A typical e bike has assistance levels from 50% right up to 250%. Another plus of switching to an ebike for workout is that you can burn your calories without confining yourself indoors or to a gym. In fact, while burning calories, you can also explore some exotic scenic beauties and that too for free! On an average, one can burn at least 1200 calories by riding an ebike half an hour for five days a week at a minimum of 12 miles per hour. And that is just the minimum.
- Cost Savings
If taken proper care of, the battery of a ladies electric bike can last up to three years. Although you may feel a bit of a pressure on your pocket when paying for the ladies electric bike, consider the cost savings. You will end up saving quite some pounds that would have otherwise been spent on parking, fuel or gas, maintenance/wear and tear and other ad hoc expenses associated with a car or public transport. According to Reddit, you can commute costs of up to $1600 with an ebike. Isn’t that a jaw dropping fact about the electric bikes?
- Independence and Convenience
With a ladies electric bike, you do not have to wait for your better half to come home and then take you to your favorite spa. These dynamic bikes can help you reach your spa just in time without having to get stuck in traffic or stop at a fuel station. Even if you are feeling lazing, the option of high levels of pedal assistance can take you to the desired location not let you compromise your ‘me-time.’
- Eco-friendly
Ladies electric bikes are just so environment friendly. No fuel or gas requirement means no carbon emissions at all. With global warming and climate changes posing serious challenges for climatic catastrophes around the world, ladies electric bikes are the most environmentally friendly vehicles, you can get your hands on. Compared to a car, an electric bike only uses around 150 watts vis a vis 1500 watts used by a car. Because electric bikes are so eco-friendly, they are also considered to be the future of the global transportation industry.
- Socialization
Who doesn’t love to party around with friends and socialize but imagine socializing on wheels. That is the next level, certainly. You can cycle with your friends and have a common goal of fitness or just going with your friends to pick/drop your kids to school on your ladies electric bike. Moreover, there are an increasing number of social groups and clubs associated with e-biking and women of various suburbs meet around in these gatherings to bike together, socialize and build friendships.
- Mental Health
Say no to antidepressants with your ladies electric bikes as riding an electric bike can be very soothing for your mental health and cognitive function. For ladies who are dealing with postpartum depression or general mood swings, e bikes are your mental healers. The rationale behind the healing effect of bikes is that e biking is generally associated with aerobics and aerobics tend to boost your brain with increased blood circulation. In fact, as you age it is generally encouraged to exercise more in order to stay emotionally and physically healthy and in doing so electric bikes will not disappoint you.
In addition to the seven most obvious reasons for ladies electric bikes to be so trendy, there are other health benefits associated with ebikes that makes it more lucrative for women to use. For example, cycling is a great way to regulate hormonal imbalance and regularize your sleep patterns that have been affected due to poor circadian rhythms (your sleep cycle). As e bikes tend to reduce fatigue and give you the option of pedal assistance to keep less pressure on your knees, it ultimately relaxes you and translates into better sleeping patterns.
With so many benefits of riding an electric bike, one cannot resist holding back. So, when are you getting your ladies electric bike?