Home Adventure How to Travel Safely with Dogs: Keep Pooch Content

How to Travel Safely with Dogs: Keep Pooch Content

Photo by Helena Lopes

Traveling with your dog is a lot of fun. Plus, you get the reward of seeing your favorite four-legged family member in all of your pictures. 

But it’s not all sunshine and unicorns. There are also difficulties, like finding pet-friendly accommodations or dealing with anxious pups during long drives. 

So, if you’ve decided to take Fido along for the ride, we have a few practical tips that’ll help you keep your dog safe and content while traveling. 

Essential Packing List for Traveling with Dogs

When you travel with your pooch, you may not be able to get by with just a backpack and a carry-on. 

First of all, you need their food and water bowls, but there are other things to consider, like bringing their favorite toy or blanket. These comfort objects help soothe anxiety by creating a sense of home in unfamiliar environments.

Health supplies are crucial, too. A pet first aid kit covers essentials like bandages, antiseptic wipes, and tweezers for minor injuries or emergencies on the road. Don’t forget medications if your dog has any vet prescriptions.

Safety is paramount when packing. You’ll want to include a sturdy leash and harness for stops along the way to prevent escapes in busy rest areas or parks. Documentation matters as well, so make sure to pack vaccination records and identification tags with updated contact information just in case.

Lastly, think about hygiene products such as poop bags or portable litter boxes, depending on your dog’s needs during longer travels.

How to Manage Dog Anxiety on Long Journeys

Like us, dogs might get anxious with the constant motion or unfamiliar surroundings. Plus, some are more anxious than others, so crowded airports, rocky boats, and new cities can overload them, affecting their sleep and behavior. 

So, how do you ease their nerves? 

If you are traveling by car, create a calm environment in your vehicle. Keep their space cozy with a familiar blanket and maintain moderate temperatures. If you’re using public means of transportation, choose hours and dates when it’s not that crowded.

Before hitting the road, take your pooch for an energetic walk to help release pent-up energy. This helps reduce restlessness during travel.

Another great way to calm their nerves is with canine CBD products. These natural supplements are becoming popular among pet owners looking to soothe anxious pups safely without side effects typically associated with traditional medications.

Also, find ways to incorporate regular breaks every couple of hours. This allows your dog to stretch and hydrate while breaking up the monotony of sitting still.

How to Find Pet-Friendly Accommodations on the Road

Whether you’re headed for the Wukalina Walk in Tasmania or the Grand Canyon, most touristic areas offer pet-friendly accommodations. The secret is to know where to look. Before setting off, research hotels or rentals that welcome dogs. Many online platforms offer filters to refine your search by size limits or additional pet fees.

Extra tip: Call or message the property to confirm the specific policies directly with the property manager since online information may not always be up-to-date.

Once you’ve settled on a place, consider packing items like collapsible crates or portable gates for added security in unfamiliar rooms. This gives your dog a sense of their own space while keeping them safe from wandering into hazardous areas.

Also, think about nearby amenities; seek out lodging near parks or walking trails so both of you can enjoy some outdoor fun during downtime!

Wrap Up

With these insights, you’re ready for a successful trip with your dog. So, now, all you have to do is decide on a location and how to get there and start preparing your pooch for the ride. 

You’ve got this! Embrace the journey and enjoy every moment with your furry companion!