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Busting the Myths: Finding the Truth Behind Workers’ Compensation Claims

If you have ever faced work-related injuries, you would be aware of the importance of workers’ compensation claims. Such claims bring huge financial relief to workers who have encountered an unexpected incident at their worksite rendering them unable to work temporarily or even permanently. However, despite the legal compulsions regarding workers’ compensation rights, there are still some major myths revolving around even in a metropolis like Los Angeles. In this article, we have aimed at spotting and debunking the major myths about workers’ compensation claims, so you can go well with claiming your rights. Let’s dive in for details. 

Dispelling Misconceptions About Workers’ Comp Claims

You may have come across many myths about Workers’ compensation claims that will leave you with the thought that it is even worth going through the hassle if all your efforts of filing a claim are going to be wasted. Let’s get through the common misconceptions and unveil the truth behind it.

  • Myth 1: Workers’ Compensation Claims are Never Granted

This is true that workers’ compensation claims are occasionally denied due to incomplete documentation or the lack of evidence supporting the claims. However, if you are well-prepared and have all the necessary details, there is no denial risk. It is better to consult a workers comp lawyer, so you claim your rights with a foolproof approach.

  • Myth 2: Hiring Professionals is a Waste

Many workers believe that they have all the necessary documents, so they can handle the entire process independently. However, claim filing is a complex procedure which requires professional handling by an attorney.  The professionals are equipped with the expertise and are aware of potential pitfalls, so they can help you better secure your rights.

  • Myth 3: You have no Right of Choosing Your Doctor

This is a major misunderstanding in people’s minds that they cannot choose their doctor if their medical expenses due to the work-related injury are going to be covered by the employers under the worker’s compensation insurance. It is not true though. You can choose your doctor and if you do not have a particular choice, you can still choose from the employer’s recommendation.

  • Myth 4: There is no compensation for the Employee’s Faults

The compensations for the work-related injuries fall under the no-fault system. It means that you are entitled to receive adequate compensation for your loss regardless of whose fault resulted in the accident. So, if someone tries to dodge you with this compensation, you should know that you can still file your claim.

  • Myth 5: Compensation Benefits Count for Nothing

The workers’ compensation benefits may not cover all your losses during the recovery period but they make a huge difference by providing adequate support to those in need, especially the sole breadwinners. The amount is enough to cover your medical bills and partial wages rather than costing you your entire savings. 

  • Myth 6: The Worker may Face Retaliation for filing a Legal Claim

Workers are often reluctant to file their claims due to the extreme fear of retaliation. However, in Los Angeles, there is a strict law against retaliation including actions like termination, demotion, or harassment of the worker as a consequence of filing any legal claim for their loss. If you ever face such an issue, never hesitate to reach out for professional assistance. 

  • Myth 7: The Workers’ Compensation Works only in Large Corporations

The worker compensation regulations are unaffected by the company’s scale. These claims ensure that all workers are equally treated and adequately compensated for their work-related injuries. So, whether you are working for a small enterprise or a large-scale corporation, you can file your claim and get the required financial support. 

  • Myth 8: You can file your Claim Whenever You Want

Many workers believe that they are free to choose the right time to file a legal claim to get compensation for their work-related injury. However, this is not true. There is a specified timeline for filing such claims which is different for each state. However, you need to act promptly to ensure a smooth processing of your claim.

Final Thoughts

Debunking the myths about workers’ compensation claims is crucial to ensure the well-being of the worker at any workplace. If you still have any confusion, it is better to consult a workers’ compensation attorney, so you can recover without stressing about the consequences of your temporary or permanent unemployment.