Michigan is filled with beautiful, celestial skyscapes.
With International Dark Sky Week upon us, check out the first-ever Upper Peninsula Dark Sky Festival happening right now in Michigan. The festival is being hosted at Keweenaw Dark Sky Park and is bringing stargazers together to discover the night and learn about the impacts of light pollution, and the value/beauty of dark skies through two days of amazing events.
Michigan, and the Upper Peninsula in particular, offers perfect stargazing conditions because the Great Lakes surround the state in near total darkness. The result is an unrivaled viewing experience.
Six state parks are home to protected Dark Sky Preserves. Additionally, Michigan is home to Headlands International Dark Sky Park, Keweenaw Dark Sky Park and Dr. T.K. Lawless Park, which are the only internationally designated preserves in the state. Each location provides the very best opportunity for you to truly enjoy the Milky Way, aurora borealis and more.