As a host, providing your guests with the best experience is the number one priority if you want to be successful and earn money through your property. Your rental could end up earning you tons of money, but this is only possible if you first invest some time and money into adding amenities that guests would like. If you give them the time of their lives, you’ll attract more guests in the future because of the good reviews, and this will keep on happening as long as you keep being a great host. Doing that doesn’t mean just giving random people a place to stay during their travel, though, and if you want to succeed in the competitive market, you need to think about upgrades that will turn your rental into the most popular place in the area. And if you want to make that happen, here are a few things you can do to promote your place and make it look amazing.
Streaming services
Although you may think that people who are on a vacation want to spend their time exploring new sites, the truth is that there’s always some time left to enjoy, relax, and recuperate. This is where television comes in handy and frequent travelers, especially those interested in spending time alone, often accentuate how important streaming services are. This is an opportunity to relax and rest, and what better way to do it than by binging your favorite shows? This is the ‘wow’ factor not many people expect, but this idea could actually separate your Airbnb rental from the others in your area.
Free and secure parking
In this day and age, lots of people travel by car because they love to feel free on the road and have the possibility to create their own schedule. That is why having a safe and secure place for them to leave their vehicle is a must. If you have a garage, that is definitely a plus and you need to point that out in the description of your property. On the other hand, if you don’t have one, you need to look for a solution that will offer your guests a place to park their cars safely. Look for garages in your area and see how you can help your guests find one that’s close enough.
Fast Internet

Whether your guests are traveling for work or leisure, they all like to browse the Internet, which is why having a strong Internet connection is a must. By making sure the connection at your place is fast and reliable in all your rooms, you need to opt for a package that will get you the best connection at the best price. A safe and fast fiber Internet connection will provide you with what you need, so opt for this idea to make sure your guests never go offline. Still, don’t forget to check the connection from time to time and make sure that all the equipment is running smoothly so your guests can enjoy one of the most demanding amenities. Always let your guests know the passwords and don’t be afraid to choose a password that’s easy to remember.
Some thoughtful touches
Apart from all the amenities guests generally expect to see, there are always those that will surprise them and make them feel welcome. Things like books on a nightstand, different propositions for things to see in the area, and children’s books and toys are a nice way to show your guests that you appreciate them. In addition to that, a coffee station or pool amenities are a great way to help your guests relax. Things like these are what people cherish, and they’ll surely help you become unique and encourage people to recommend your place.
Kitchen and bathroom

Being in a new place, many travelers like to explore local cuisine and try to cook something new with local products. That is why many of them require a fully-equipped kitchen where they can show off their cooking skills. Also, for families, it’s more frugal to cook and eat in the place they rent than to go to restaurants so they need everything they have at home. On the other hand, when it comes to the bathroom, a washer and dryer are a must for those who like to pack light and would like to wash their clothes. So, invest in these essentials, and make sure your guests know how to handle their garbage, how to recycle their waste, where to leave their used towels, and how to handle the washer and dryer.
Having an Airbnb place is a great experience and this could be a good source of income if you invest time and money into creating the best rental possible. By providing a safe and pleasant environment for your guests, you’ll surely be one of the most popular places in your area so you need to stand out from the competition.