With football season is upon us, and with it comes the time-honoured tradition of the pre-game tailgate party.
Pull up well in advance of game time. Set up the food spread. Get the drinks on ice. Spark up the grill and get cooking. Tailgating is well associated with football, but the outdoor parties are growing commonplace at most any sporting or cultural event — outside baseball stadiums, hockey arenas and even concerts.
“It is near impossible to attend an event these days without finding people setting up shop behind their vehicle, cooking up some delicious food and serving cold drinks,” says Stephen Schroeter, co-Chief Executive of Napoleon. “Tailgating has developed its very own subculture, and has become as much a part of sporting and entertainment events as the kickoff, first pitch or opening act. But the really memorable tailgating parties are the ones where some thought has gone into the menu planning, and the right tools are being used for the job at hand.”

For the ultimate tailgating experience, Napoleon offers the following tips:
- Timing is everything. You don’t want to be rushed, and you don’t want to miss the start of the game. Plan your arrival early enough to get everything set up, and get your food cooked and served with a couple of hours to spare to ensure you can get everything packed up before it’s time to enter the stadium.
- Have the right tools for the job. Two sets of tongs (one for meats, one for other foods), a spatula, bottle and can openers, cups, dishes and utensils, paper towels, seasonings, condiments, oven mitts, basting brush … you get the idea. The more you can brand your elements with your favourite team, the greater the chance of earning the endearments of your fellow die-hards.
- Prep your food ahead of time. Burgers need toppings, so slice your cheese, tomatoes, onions and lettuce the night before. The less time you have to spend in the parking lot getting your food ready, the better your experience will be.
- Be creative with your menu. Hamburgers and hotdogs are everywhere. Stand out from the crowd with something different and unique. Try easy and delicious Hawaiian chicken skewers or a cheesy game day taco dip to be enjoyed by all.
- Keep it cool. Bring two coolers, one for your food and the other for your drinks, and label them accordingly so people aren’t rooting through your food cooler for refreshments. It may go without saying, but make sure you have plenty of ice to keep your drinks cold and your food safe.
- A good grill is the glue that holds it all together. Weather can be unpredictable, but a good, portable gas grill can help you conquer the elements and prepare the perfect fare for your fellow fans. Napoleon’s TravelQ is available as a propane, natural gas or electric grill and boasts a large 285-square-inch cast-iron cooking surface (big enough to cook 20 hamburgers), dual stainless steel burners and JETFIRE ignition. The unique fixed scissor cart design enables the TravelQ to be easily transported on eight-inch wheels or packed away for easy storage. But when you are ready to cook, it can be set up in less than 10 seconds.
For more information, please visit www.napoleon.com.