Home #WHERETONEXT Europe The 3 Important Travel Tips For Introverts Going To Italy

The 3 Important Travel Tips For Introverts Going To Italy

La Bella Vita - Cruising in Venice

At first glance, Italy might seem intimidating for introverts. Italians are known for their warm, extroverted nature. They have a reputation for being boisterous and not having the same sense of personal space that other cultures have.

Then there are the crowds. Places like the Amalfi Coast and Venice have a reputation for over tourism that can mean that you’re going to be stuck in massive crowds all day. This doesn’t seem like the ideal vacation for introverted personalities. However, there is a way to get the most out of Italy even if those things don’t sound like your cup of tea. In this article, we will go over several ways an introvert can enjoy Italy even with all of its challenges.

1 – Plan it out well

When planning a trip to Italy as an introvert, a little research can go a long way to ensure a peaceful and enriching experience. One of the first things to research is when there will be the fewest crowds.

For instance, the worst time to visit Venice as an introvert is in the middle of the summer. The crowds are at their thickest and there isn’t much space to breathe. Going in the shoulder season, or better yet in the off season, allows you to see the major sites like the Basilica of San Marco with very few people around.

If you aren’t able to avoid peak season, you can still manage to have some of the sites to yourself. If you get up early then you will beat the crowds. Be the first to show up and you’re likely to be able to fully absorb the beauty without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

2 – Get into the concept of Slow Travel

Traveling to Italy offers a beautiful opportunity to engage in what’s often called “slow travel.” Slow travel is about savoring each moment, whether you’re sitting at a café watching the world go by or wandering aimlessly through a medieval town.

This concept should be right in the wheelhouse of every introvert. Not only are you able to avoid the huge tourist crowds, but you’ll get a more authentic Italian experience in the process.

You’ll be off the beaten path and getting an authentic experience that you will remember for much longer than if you were standing in line for hours to get into the major sites like the Sistine Chapel.

3 – Seat your own pace

With a destination as rich and diverse as Italy, it’s easy to get caught up in the notion of ‘seeing it all.’ However, quality always outweighs quantity, and taking moments for yourself can elevate the overall experience. Remember that there is no right way or wrong way to travel.

A good strategy is to intersperse more intensive sightseeing days with ‘lighter’ days. For example, after a full day exploring the ruins of Pompeii, the next day could be a leisurely stroll around Naples, tasting local delicacies, and enjoying the sea views.