Anyone who has ever tried backpacking knows that the most difficult thing about this type of traveling is to pack all your essentials in just one small bag. Since this can sometimes be quite challenging, you need to think about your priorities and know what you absolutely have to take with you when traveling and what will, on the other hand, only get in the way of all the necessities you’ll need during your trip. The goal is not to overpack your backpack because you’ll want to be able to carry it during your long walks, which is why you need to think about the size and importance of any item you plan on packing. Even one small change can be crucial for your packing, so make sure you know all the packing hacks before your trip.
Although this sounds like the simplest thing in the world, there are several rules you have to follow when it comes to packing your documents. For starters, you need to pack them in a place where you’ll be able to reach them without having to take out other items from your backpack. This will come in handy in public transportation or if you quickly need to check if your documents are there. Make sure they are safe and no one can take them out from your backpack because that’s one of the worst things that can happen when you’re on the road, especially if you lose your passport and your visa you’ve worked so hard for.
Your mobile phone and your tablet are among the most important things you need when traveling, so pack them as well. If you’re going to Europe, though, make sure you have all the adapters because this is the most overlooked item many travelers tend to forget. When it comes to your phone and camera, don’t just push them in at the top of your backpack, but place them correctly so they don’t get damaged along the way.
Clothes and shoes
Any backpacker will tell you that this type of traveling is not for someone who’s used to carrying a lot of clothes when traveling. Keep in mind that almost any place you go to has a public laundry service where you can wash your clothes which is why you need to pack just the essentials and make sure you know when it’s time to wash them. In addition to that, if you’re staying at an Airbnb, you can always choose a place that has a washer and dryer that would make this process easier. Another great hack all travelers love is always carrying a small bag to separate your clean clothes from your dirty items, thus preventing them from mixing up.
Money and credit cards
These are, apart from your documents, the most important things you can carry on your trip. Since you’ll always have to keep an eye on your money, it’s better to keep it close to you at all times. Use things that will help you organize your credit cards and money, like a practical carbon fiber wallet that’s small and slim, which is exactly what you’ll need to save space and keep your money safe. Depending on the place you’re traveling to, decide on the amount of money you want to keep in your wallet and explore different paying methods to see how often you can use your credit card. Also, check the local currency and explore the best ways to change your money upon arrival.
Medicine and snacks
If you’re traveling to another country there’s a great chance that if something – even something small like a stomachache or a headache – you won’t get the medicine your body is used to in order to stop the pain. This is why it’s important to always carry basic medicine with you so you can react immediately and make your trip more pleasant. In addition to that, backpackers are known for a busy tempo during and this can be exhausting, so always make sure you have some snacks and water in your backpack to regain your energy and strength. During your trip, pay attention to the environment and see what your choices are when it comes to eco-friendly food options.
There are so many things you should pack to make your backpacking adventure more enjoyable and to always have everything you’ll need close by, but when you’re dealing with limited space, you simply have to be creative. After your first trip, you’ll see what you can add to this list to make things more practical and you’ll learn a few amazing packing hacks all backpackers use. This type of traveling can turn into the best experience of your life, and you just have to get used to packing the essentials and nothing else.