There are several different ways to travel the world. You could fly everywhere, go by sea, backpack or take to the roads in a campervan.
However, taking the trip in a campervan will give you a kind of freedom that no other mode of transport will. The secret is to be prepared, and here we discuss just how to make your trip hassle free.
Have a Plan
The first thing is to plan where you are going and rough timescales to get to and stay in each place. You do not have to rigidly stick to it, as there will be some places you love and want to stay longer, and others you will not like at all. You will also come across places you had not even considered, but having some idea of the direction you are headed is important.
Make a List
Make a list of everything you need to take and do before you leave. Things like visas for the countries you will be entering are vital, or you may be stopped from progressing on your journey. Do not forget travel insurance as not everywhere provides free medical treatment, even in emergencies.
Make sure you pack basic medical supplies such as headache tablets, plasters, antiseptic creams, and bandages. You should also include some paper maps. Maps on smartphones are great, but if you get lost in the middle of nowhere and have no reception, they will not be much use.
Do not overload yourself with clothing. Just make a list that includes a couple of changes as you will find opportunities along the way to do some laundry. Pots, pans, plates, and cutlery will also be needed if you want to cook in the campervan or over a campfire.
Get the Van Ready
You need to ensure that your campervan is roadworthy and that you have a spare tyre in case it is needed. You will possibly be travelling over some rough roads, and do not want to be stuck if a tyre deflates. Clean and pack the vehicle rather than just throwing everything in. It is going to be your home for a while, and you need it to be as comfortable as possible.
Your campervan insurance needs to cover you for travelling in other parts of the world. At sites like Quotezone you will be able to compare policies and prices and find the best deal for you.
Make sure that you maintain the campervan as you travel. Keep fluid levels topped up and if it develops a minor problem, get it repaired before it turns into something major.
Take Copies and Keep in Touch
Take some copies of all-important documents. Copies of site bookings, visas, and insurance policies should be left with a trusted family member or friend. You should also have spare copies for yourself. If originals get lost, it is much easier to replace them if you have a copy. You should also agree to touch base with someone every day, even if it is just a text message saying where you will be that day. If they do not hear from you, they can alert the appropriate authorities and at least they will know where you were up to the day before. This could be vital if you have had an accident on a road where very few vehicles pass by.
Get Going
Now everything is prepared, you are ready to start on your exciting adventure. Of course, you will probably want to see some of the usual tourist attractions, but your campervan gives you the opportunity to travel off the beaten track as well. This is where you will find what life is really like in the country you are visiting. Meet the locals, see authentic towns and villages and sample the local foods.
In Indonesia, for example, you will find street cafés that sell as much as you can eat for less than £2. They are regulated for hygiene and are a great way of filling up for the day. You will also find that in most countries the locals are far friendlier than people you may encounter working in tourist locations.
Stay Safe
This could be your trip of a lifetime and the whole point is for you to enjoy it, but you need to make sure you stay safe as well. Lock your campervan when you’re away from it, don’t flash cash around too freely, and use maps and GPS to maintain your bearings even when you venture off the beaten path.
Traveling the world in any way can be a wonderful experience, but doing it in a campervan can be more exciting than any other form of travel.