If you would like to travel in ultimate comfort and luxury, purchasing a first-class ticket for your business trip or getaway vacation is an excellent choice. First-class amenities vary by airline, but almost all offer similar perks and services. When it comes to business class travel, many travelers choose the first-class cabin to make long flights more enjoyable and pleasant. The distance between your departure location and your final destination can seem daunting from a traveling perspective since it may take a while to get there. Opting for economy seats can save you money, but they can be uncomfortable for an international flight that may take several hours or even a few days. Here’s what to expect when flying first-class.
Special Perks
The benefits start before you even board the airplane, travelers who have first-class tickets obtain priority access to expedited airport security checkpoint lines. After passing security, first-class ticket holders also get to sit down in exclusive lounge areas with luxury amenities. Once on board the plane, first-class passengers are greeted by airline staff and accompanied to their cabin area, where there is access to wifi, TV/Movies, reclinable seats/beds, and a menu of delicious food and beverages to order. A first-class package is a great investment for travelers who want to spend a little more and desire a premium flight experience, especially for those on long international flights.
The Check-in Process – First-class travelers check into their flight before anyone else and don’t have to wait in long TSA lines. This makes the entire travel experience less stressful and much more convenient, which is why a first-class ticket is so desirable.
Concierge Service – Helpful concierge staff assists first-class travelers with ticketing, baggage handling, upgrades, personal requests, and other arrangements. Customer service is taken to the next level with a first-class package.
Priority boarding – First class is the first group of passengers to get on and off the plane. Instead of waiting in long lines with other travelers, first-class passengers receive priority boarding that allows them to get to their seats faster.
Additional luggage – Economy flight packages only offer the chance to check-in one bag for no cost. On the other hand, first-class passengers get to check in 2-3 bags at no additional cost allowing them to carry more items to their destinations.
Best Overall Experience
Flying in first class comes with a whole suite of exclusive perks that includes, but is not limited to, large leather armchairs, a real bed for resting while on long-distance flights, bathroom, and shower. Entertainment in the form of movies and music can be viewed on large flat screen TVs via remote controls to pass the time. There are also plenty of deliciously prepared food and beverage options to choose from that include a mix of international cuisine and drinks such as wine, beer, or sparkling water, just to name a few. If you plan on working throughout your flight, you can do so in ultimate comfort. You can use your cabin space as an office space to get work done on your computer with a tabletop for support. There are also several USB ports, power outlets, and strong wi-fi.