Dining out, going to the gym, traveling … the things we all took for granted before the coronavirus and are now weighing on our minds. Will we get on a plane again in the next year? Will gyms reopen, and if so, will they be safe? One survey, released today, dove deep into the current mindset of Americans around these topics.
The survey, conducted last week by Peak Prosperity, and in partnership with Azurite Consulting, asked 4,500 (3,500 Americans) of its audience to reveal the specific changes in behavior and sentiment the coronavirus is causing in US households. The key findings show that it’s going to take quite awhile for life to go back to “normal.” Highlights of the survey include:
- Dining out: 53% won’t be comfortable going to a sit-down restaurant for at least 3 months after social distancing ends. 38% will wait at least 5 months. 24% won’t dine out until there’s a vaccine. 15% will wait 3 or months after a vaccine.
- Gyms: 57% of gym-goers will wait 3+ months before returning after social distancing ends.
- Sporting event: 44% won’t attend a live game until a vaccine is issued, 63% of these people will wait at least another 3 months after the vaccine is out to attend
- Flying: 36% who took at least 1 international flight in 2019 will not fly internationally again until a vaccine is available.
- Cruise: 22% of avid cruise goers say they’ll never take a cruise again. 65% will wait at least until there’s a vaccine. 55% of those waiting will delay their next cruise until at least 1 year after the vaccine is out.
- Casino: 45% don’t plan to go until a vaccine is available. 35% of these people will wait at least 6 months after vaccine release before going back.