Have you been taking healthy living practices a little more seriously since the COVID-19 pandemic began? While the pandemic has allowed us to take time to think more consciously about washing our hands and using disinfectant wipes, it may be time for Canadians to make smarter choices to better themselves and the Earth.

As Earth Day approaches on April 22, we are encouraging Canadians to make a few small adjustments in your daily life to participate in cleaning up our environment. By doing so, we all can make a bigger impact!

Check out the list from experts at Melitta Canada of the top 5 good habits to pick up while trying to live a more sustainable life.

Reduce single-use plastics in your day-to-day!

Invest in metal or silicon straws, bamboo toothbrushes, and reusable produce and grocery bags. By investing in these popular plastic-alternatives, you’ll be able to contribute to a cleaner Earth.

Turn off those lights!

As working-from-home is still a daily ritual, remembering to conserve household energy can be tricky. Try to use the natural light beaming from your windows. If this isn’t possible, make it a habit to turn off the lights when you’re leaving a room.

Reduce, reuse, recycle

Make sure you are using recyclable options in your everyday routine. To start your day off with a guilt-free cup of coffee, try out Melitta’s 100% responsible-sourced and recyclable K-Cups in European Deluxe Medium Dark Roast.

New mode of transportation

With warm weather around the corner, try and use new modes of transportation any time you can! Riding your bike, running, and walking are smarter ways to focus on self-care and bettering the environment. Even try carpooling and public transportation to reduce the emissions!

Follow companies that focus on sustainable practices

When investing in certain products, make sure to support the companies that are aware of the impact they make on the environment. Melitta Coffee is committed to producing responsibly sourced and sustainably manufactured products such as 100% naturally composable, Melitta Bamboo Cone Coffee Filters provide an Earth-Friendly way to filter your coffee.

This Earth Day, we challenge you to choose a few habits to apply in your daily life to make it a more environmentally friendly one! We would love to hear your thoughts on whether these easy habits are aligned with any Earth Day stories you may have in the works.


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