Europe, particularly the Schengen zone, is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. Some of the most famous Western European countries, bar the United Kingdom as of recent, fall within the Schengen zone, and because of this, many from overseas and abroad look to Europe for tourism or to start new lives. Europe is a rich place with an abundance of history and countless things to see – it is also a great place to go and start over again, providing that you can get citizenship, a visa, or permission to remain in the country as a temporary resident.
In this article, we are going to tell you eight things that you should know before you travel to Europe. Travelling to Europe is a fantastic thing to do, providing that you can. Now, unfortunately, we are unable to travel anywhere because of the SARS-CoV-19 virus – when vaccines are more widely administered though we will be able to return to Europe and elsewhere. By planning, reading this article, and looking ahead, you will be able to effectively plan your trip to Europe.
Here are eight things that you should know before you travel to Europe.
When you are travelling to Europe, or anywhere else, you must change your currency for the local currency. Thankfully, all the Schengen zone countries except four use the Euro, which means that if you are travelling there, you can exchange your currency for the Euro and use it between countries. Exchanging currency is very important before traveling, so that you do not find yourself there and find yourself unable to use your money or exchange your currency domestically in the country you have visited. You should change some money beforehand so that you do not find yourself unable to spend.
Do you want to stay in your chosen European country as a resident? If you do, you need to apply for residency. You can apply for residency in some countries, like Portugal for example, by making investments into the economy. Residency permits are not particularly difficult to get, though they can take a long time to come through. Providing that you work hard and have something to offer to the country that you hope to move to, you should realistically not have too much trouble acquiring a visa. If you have a criminal record, however, you may run into some serious problems and find yourself unable to go.
Credit Card
Not every country in Europe accepts credit cards, so because of this, do not bring one and no cash, solely relying upon your credit card. Bring cash with you also, just in case. We briefly touched upon this in our first point; you do not want to find yourself abroad with no possible way of spending money or getting around, this can present a massive problem and can put you in potential danger. Credit cards are not used as widely as you might like to think, so, to combat this, bring cash with you and ensure that you do find yourself unable to spend.
Diversity and Uniqueness
European cities are incredibly diverse and unique. Some cities in Europe, say London, are known for being incredibly busy. In cities like this, it can be hard to even find a café to sit at when you want to cool down. In other cities, say Venice or Berlin, however, they are much more relaxed, and you can get around without being mobbed. Adding diversity and variety to the cities that you visit will be a great way for you to get the most out of your journey. Do not just visit a single European country – try to go on a tour and visit as many as you can. Europe is a great place for you to find the world, and yourself.

Transport around Europe is generally quite easy. Most countries have easy to use metro and train systems, as well as buses, and taxis. With that said, however, some countries do not have very good transportation systems, and some can be dangerous. It is important that when you are traveling to Europe, that you research and look into the transport beforehand so that you can save yourself a headache and money that you might otherwise lose having to pay for alternative forms of transport.
If you are traveling domestically in Europe, you will likely not need to worry about a visa, providing you are a resident of a member state. If you are in a non-member state, like the United Kingdom has recently, then you will need to apply for a visa to get in, which will usually last you 90 days or therein and around. Do not travel without a visa, for you can be turned away and potentially barred from entry if you are caught inside the country without a visa.
Budgeting is very important. Some European cities are known for being terribly expensive. If you do not budget, you could find yourself without any money, stuck in a European city, which does not sound like a particularly good time. Be sure to budget your money carefully so that you do not find yourself in the situation where you have nowhere to turn and have to knock on the embassy’s door to ask them for a free flight home, though with that said, you should already have a return ticket.
While European cities are generally safe, some are not. Try to avoid unsafe cities as best you can, or districts that are unsafe. Safety should be your top concern if you are travelling to Europe – if you do not think about safety then you could find yourself in a very uncomfortable situation when you are confronted by the more insidious elements of European cities. Be careful, travel safely, and research where you are going so that you do not unintentionally wind up in districts that even the locals would not visit.
Traveling to Europe is something we sincerely recommend that you do at least once in your life. We hope that now, with this article, you will be in a better position to travel to Europe and will know what to do beforehand. Thank you for reading this article and please visit us again soon.