Here is a place where you go to truly find yourself. A unique location surrounded by the greenery of Umbria which is the spiritual heart of Italy. Here a faithful restoration from the original structure, which dates back to the early fourteenth century has been carried out, using eco-friendly systems in the process. Among one of the most recognised eco-locations in the world, a perfect location for the solo traveller and for all those who wish to detach themselves from the “daily” in order to rediscover more essential needs. Now is the time to totally immerse yourself.
The so-called “Celluzze” will be your room, cells used by the hermits in past times who in their small and simple spaces were able to find time for meditation and prayer. With only 14 rooms which are simply furnished with a wrought iron bed, a shower, and a toilet. The cuisine here is vegetarian and the menu is fixed.
From the 25th to the 30th April 2021 the happiness retreat will be hosted here where you will enjoy a 6-day mystical journey.
The practices enjoyed:
- Yoga, a unifying blend of Pranayama, Asanas, Mantras, and Meditation. Creative movement, a full sensory experience, which merges with the elements of water, earth, air, and fire.
- Water healing, an aquatic bodywork.
- Sharing circle will support you to release old patterns and fears, shift perspective and activate new decisions, while simple yet profound rituals will teach you how to fully enjoy your experience and be grateful to yourself, your community, and the earth.
- Nutrition, Vegetables, and herbs are organic, grown in the gardens of the resort. All the food is prepared on a daily basis by an Italian gifted in-house chef and is of high quality and exquisite taste, inspired by healthy Umbrian recipes coming from monastic Mediterranean tradition. Breakfast and lunch are served in the garden, surrounded by trees and with fabulous views of the landscape. Dinner (4 courses plus local wine) is served seated in the refectory and it is an experience as it is served in pure magnificent silence engaging guests to participate in a ritual, beautifully and purposefully orchestrated by the hosts.
For more information visit, italian-connection.co.uk.