Road trips are a classic activity. Dialling up your favourite tunes, hitting the open road, and enjoying all that mother nature has to offer by yourself or with your friends. You are most certainly going to encounter both good and bad times on your trip, and one thing you can count on is encountering bad drivers or obstacles on the road. Here are some helpful tips to help you avoid getting into traffic accidents on your next road trip.
Study Traffic Signs

One of the most important road trip tips is to study up on traffic signs. They can seem like a hassle, especially if you’re not used to them, but knowing what they say and how they work could save your life. Knowing where it’s okay to turn, whether there is construction ahead, or where speed limits are will help you avoid needing experienced car accident trial lawyers and make driving an easier experience. Here are the most common traffic signs to know about:
- Stop Sign: This means you need to stop as quickly as possible and let anybody who passes by go first.
- Yield Sign: This sign should be treated like a stop sign. You need to come to a complete stop and yield the right of way to any nearby traffic before proceeding.
- One-Way Street Sign: You’ll know this one by the arrow, which always points in the direction traffic will be going. If you’re on a one-way street and you want to go in a different direction, make sure there are no cars coming from the other way before turning across it.
- No Left Turn Sign: This sign means that if you’re on a street where this sign is posted, you cannot turn left. If the road intersects with another one and there isn’t a “No Left Turn” sign up, then you can proceed if it’s safe to do so.
- No Right Turn Sign: This means that if you see this sign going down a road, it’s not okay to turn right. If you are on a cross street intersecting with the one where this sign is posted, then you can proceed if it’s safe.
- Construction Zone Sign: This means that if you start seeing these signs around an area in which there was no construction before, there probably will be in the future and you should proceed with caution.
- Slippery When Wet Sign: This sign means that the road is slippery and any cars using it should proceed with care. Some of your wipers might even need to be on high in order to see properly. If you notice this sign, slow down as much as possible and watch out for any oncoming traffic.
Speed Limits
One of the most important road trip tips is to remember the speed limit of where you’re driving. This one might seem like a no-brainer, but forgetting about it can be dangerous if you need to suddenly slam on your breaks or try and avoid colliding with another car. If for some reason you are unsure what the speed limit is, it’s always best to be on the safe side and go slightly under it.
Do Not Drive Drunk
Driving drunk is never a good idea, even if you have the ability to do so. You could end up getting into a serious traffic accident and injuring or killing yourself or another person. Instead of drinking before heading out on the road, make sure there is somebody sober to be the designated driver.
When choosing a designated driver, avoid picking a friend with a history of intoxication. They are likely to be the least responsible person on the trip, which can cause problems if they are considering driving drunk. So make sure that your designated driver is fully aware of the dangers of drinking and driving before setting out on your road trip.
Stay Out Of The Blind Spots
If you are driving your car, then you need to know that blind spots are always something that should be accounted for. They can be dangerous if you’re not careful, so stay out of them and go slower than usual while unwinding them in your head to avoid surprising other drivers or causing a crash yourself. Here’s how:
AFill Your Lane
When passing a car or another vehicle on the road, you might notice that there is a blind spot right next to where they are. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s best to stay out of their blind spot by staying right beside them until it’s safer for you to pass. If you drive right up next to them, they will be able to see you much easier and avoid any potential accidents.
Get Them To Signal
Another way to make sure that nobody is surprised by your driving skills is to ask another driver or car that you’re near if it would be okay for you to pass them. They will likely be more than happy to let you if they see your headlights, so go ahead and do it if they signal back that it’s okay.
Use Your Turn Signal To Let Them Know You’re There
If the only thing stopping you from changing lanes is that pesky blind spot, then you can usually tell if it’s safe to do so by using your turn signal. This will let the other driver know that you’re about to pass them and they should be able to move over safely.
Yield To Oncoming Traffic Before Turning Left
When turning left at an intersection, you have the option of going straight or making a turn. If you decide to do the latter, then you’ll need to watch out for oncoming traffic and yield to them before turning left.
Be Willing To Split Lanes
If everyone is trying to get somewhere quickly and there aren’t any cars besides yours in the lane next door, then it pays off for you to be willing to enter the empty lane. Be aware of your surroundings and make sure there are no cars coming so you can use this trick to get where you need to go quicker!

If you’re trying to avoid traffic accidents on your road trip, then it’s important that you’re prepared for anything. It takes a lot of skill to be able to get where you need to go safely – especially if there are multiple cars around you that can cause accidents or slow down your progress. But if you remember these tips and tricks, hopefully, you can avoid a few accidents and continue on your journey to wherever it is that you’re trying to go!