Celebrity Chef, Marcus Samuelsson, and Booking.com, utilizing data from “Taste of Travel” surveying 56,727 respondents, listed the Top Travel Markets in the United States based on excellent food and drink as:
- New York City
- San Francisco
- New Orleans
- Myrtle Beach
To showcase the upswing in culinary travel across the U.S in partnership with Celebrity Chef, Marcus Samuelsson, who recently kicked-off the Taste of Travel campaign in New York City: “Food and Travel are two of my biggest passions, which is why I am truly excited about partnering with Booking.com for the launch of their Taste of Travel,” Samuelsson commented.
New York City
-Contra www.contranyc.com
-Uncle Boon www.uncleboons.com
-Roberta’s www.robertaspizza.com
-Paris Blues www.parisbluesharlem.webs.com
-Charlie Bird www.charliebirdnyc.com
***Where to stay:
Gramercy Townhouse
San Francisco
-State Bird www.statebirdsf.com
-Mandalay Restaurant www.mandalaysf.com
-Camino www.caminorestaurant.com
-Cassava www.cassavasf.com
***Where to stay:
Casa Luna San Francisco
New Orleans
-Shaya www.shayarestaurant.com
-Dookie Chase www.dookychaserestaurant.com
-Compere Lapin www.comperelapin.com
-Ba Mien www.bamien.com
***Where to stay:
The Treme Manor
Myrtle Beach, SC
-Mr. Fish www.mrfish.com
***Where to stay:
Girvan Drive